Story time


A lot of people will probably never get lost in their lifetime but for the few of us who do get lost, it can be pretty traumatising. This is a story of how I got lost on my way home from the mall.

So it was a public holiday and a few friends and I had plans to maximize it to its fullest potential. We decided to spend it having fun at the mall which was quite a distance from my home but I cared less and agreed to meet my friends up at the mall. My mom usually handles my transportation in cases like this but she was extremely busy that day so I had an agreement with her that I would find my way home but I had little experience in the concept of public transportation.

I finally made my way to the mall and as expected, my friends were punctual. We immediately hopped to the cinema, saw a few movies, had lunch and did a little shopping. The day was finally coming to an end and it was time to go home, I said my goodbyes and was finally confronted with the issue I had been pushing aside, how was I going to find my way home?

I looked around for a while and found the nearest bus-stop; I made my way to the stop and joined the commuters to wait for the next bus. After waiting for nearly one hour, I finally decided to walk the long distance home but at the very last minute, a bus appeared and I quickly dashed the idea of walking home (which I eventually regretted). I asked the conductor where his bus was heading and he told me it was heading towards my home, I wasted no time in boarding the bus because it was getting pretty late and I was in a hurry to get home, I later discovered that this was a huge mistake. The bus eventually started moving and not long after, I realized I had boarded the wrong bus. My heart immediately left my chest and made its way to my throat, I somehow started sweating in an air-conditioned bus. I looked at my phone and the first thing I saw was “Battery Low”, this made matters a whole lot worse, what if I needed to call someone to rescue me from this unpleasant situation.

The bus eventually came to a halt and I had to get down, I looked around and I didn’t need anyone to tell me I was lost. I immediately began to harass the conductor and he didn’t even care about me, he had collected his fare so he could care less that I was thousands of kilometres from home. I was also dangerously low on cash so there was no room for anymore errors. I immediately started asking around and eventually found a route home. I got to the bus-stop that was going to take me home and quickly realised there were no more buses on duty. “What am I going to do now?” is the question I kept asking myself after realising my hopes of getting home in one piece were all dashed in an instant. I was almost in tears when a bus with all but one of its seats occupied passed through the bus-stop. No one needed to tell me this was God sent; I wasted no time in grabbing the last seat. Within a few minutes, I was home and already eating supper. Luckily, I was lost for about an hour but it was still a pretty terrifying moment in my life.

Have you ever been lost? Share your experiences in the comment section.

Until Next Time, It’s Demi.


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