Improving Your Student Life
It’s a common misconception that pulling all-nighters and un-relentless studying will get you better grades but I am here to tell you that this doesn’t work. It’s actually the little things we do that make the difference. It’s a common saying that “You can’t rob Peter to pay Paul” and this is true, you can’t rob your body of sleep to pass a test and expect the equation to be balanced. In this post, I will be sharing with you a few tips that can actually improve your overall student life.
- Avoid Mental Reminders:
When you need to get something done at a particular time, we tend to rely on our brains to remind us to do these things when the time comes, usually resulting in you forgetting. Your smart phones aren’t just for show; you can use them to keep reminders so you are always abreast of your current situation. - Avoid Procrastination:
Procrastination they say is a thief of time. When faced with a task, we tend to procrastinate for one reason or the other and as we keep procrastinating, our tasks pile up until they become too much for us to handle, usually resulting in mental breakdowns and more. So in order to live a stress-free life, avoid postponing your tasks. - Do assignments as soon as you get them:
If there is one thing that is a constant in every college, it’s that assignments and projects never stop rolling in. You can literally get at least one assignment every day and it’s very easy to forget about them until their due dates. Doing your assignments as soon as you get them helps you avoid these nasty situations. - Get a Printer:
In college, you’re going to be doing a lot of printing. Whether it’s an assignment, project or a personal endeavour, you’ll need a printer to accomplish these tasks. We all know how annoying it is to leave the comfort of our rooms to go to a public printer, and then pay to use it. All this can be avoided when you have a personal printer, you can even make a few bucks off it by charging your fellow students when they use it. - Take your Continuous Assessment seriously:
A lot of students ignore their continuous assessment (CA) and rely heavily on their final exams for good grades but the truth is your CA is a lot more important than your finals, especially when your CA carries a higher percentage of marks. Even if your finals carry a higher percentage of marks, the chances of you getting all the marks in your finals is a lot lower compared to getting all the marks in your CA. Try to ace your test and quizzes, submit your assignments and projects promptly, attend your classes and watch your CA skyrocket. - Attend your Classes:
Seems like a no brainer but a lot of students stab their classes and intend to read up on their own or ask a classmate to bring them up to speed. Like I said in the introduction, “You can’t rob Peter to pay Paul“; you can’t miss your classes and expect to be on the same level with those who attended the class. Sometimes it’s unavoidable and you just have to miss that class but always try to make an effort in attending your classes.
Follow these few tips and watch your life in college become less of a burden to you.
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Until Next Time, It’s Demi!